The table could be situated in front of the pulpit or to the side, and sometimes was not in the chancel area at all.
In 1838, the pulpit was moved nearer the east wall in the chancel area.
Fire destroyed half the chancel area of the Gothic stone building, with damages estimated at more than $3 million.
A baptismal font will be located either at the entrance or near the chancel area.
The sanctuary (including chancel area) sits approximately 600, with wooden pews.
The right and left sides of the chancel area accommodate two handbell-choir setups.
With a sigh, Duncan raised his head and scanned the chancel area a last time.
Duncan started to him on his heel to leave the chapel, then paused to scrutinize the chancel area again.
The memorial stained glass windows which grace the chancel area were designed originally for the former church building.
The blaze destroyed half the chancel area and an enormous Austin organ.