Admission opening night, $40, includes champagne buffet; subsequent evenings, $14; Fridays and Saturdays, $18.
A week later, on the 25th, the premiere of the movie "Da" and a champagne buffet for the Hudson Guild Theater, where "Da" played 10 years ago.
It will be at Sotheby's, starting with a champagne buffet at 6 and moving on to an auction of widely disparate items and events.
A 5:30 champagne buffet at the Marriott Marquis will precede the performance.
"The Way Young Lovers Do" is described by Clinton Heylin as a "lounge-jazz" sound that "still sticks out like Spumante at a champagne buffet".
(The top-priced tickets include an onstage champagne buffet after the concert.)
I understand that there will be a champagne buffet there.
A champagne buffet follows.
After the performance, there will be entertainment plus a holiday supper for children and a champagne buffet for adults.
The $35 opening-night admission includes a champagne buffet.