Or those moody, intellectual chamber musicals so popular among the composers coming of age in the 1990's?
Two one-act chamber musicals linked by a common theme, the work received five Tony nominations in 1988.
But for this "Passion," which is basically a chamber musical, intimacy is essential.
On the other hand, the show's producers were trying to keep costs down in order to give the serious chamber musical some chance of recouping.
In a 12-character chamber musical, 10 chorus members represent a distillation of the infamous 38 witnesses and more.
Two of the most interesting ones I have seen in the last few months are what I will call chamber musicals.
Experiments are to be encouraged in the theater, and on the face of it, this new chamber musical is a curiosity-piquing collaboration.
Or it could have been taken in the opposite direction and reinterpreted as a chamber musical, with the emphasis on the score.
Strange though it may sound, the song encourages the thought that the single scene could be expanded into its own chamber musical.
The economics of serious chamber musicals, on Broadway or off, are not easy to square.