The drama program also participates in the Central Wisconsin Educational Theatre Alliance, a group of local high school drama teachers and students that puts on more challenging productions.
Transport Group "for its breadth of vision and its presentation of challenging productions"
It was a challenging production that lasted 21 months, with Chaplin later confessing that he "had worked himself into a neurotic state of wanting perfection".
She dressed beautifully, memorized her lines flawlessly and starred in challenging productions like Victorien Sardou's "Thermidor"; unfortunately, she was lousy.
The programming team was led by Robert Mueller, who managed a team of six full time artists over a 15 week period to create this challenging production and award winning program.
The challenging production becomes the toast of the city.
Progress Theatre was established in 1946 by a young group of Reading people as a voluntary theatre group in Reading to present new and challenging productions.
The company's mission is to "present unique and challenging theatrical productions by both new and established playwrights with an emphasis on the collaborative nature of theatre through ensemble."
Another challenging production was "Arien," which is danced in water in a plastic basin.
There would be less room for challenging productions.