Even in his youth, he displayed a fondness for challenging authority.
The ministers of Zion churches were mostly unschooled men and they operated in rural areas where challenging authority was even more foolhardy than in the cities.
She has a gift for challenging authority without invoking its wrath.
The purpose of the test was to teach you to stand on your own feet, even if it meant challenging authority.
"They came from a system that didn't encourage innovation, asking questions and certainly not challenging authority," he said.
But I suspect there was something in the man's makeup that made challenging authority much more important than getting away with some fantastic and well conceived crime.
Dr. Hilfer said that, in these cases, teenage boys were challenging authority, experimenting with morality and making statements of independence and unconventionality.
A deceptive and manipulative delinquent, Ike claims to care only for himself and brags about his experience in challenging authority.
If there is one thing that Kenyans live under it's the fear of challenging authority.
Student rags often featured cross-dressing and processions that mirrored official celebrations as a way of challenging authority whilst raising money for charity.