Legal penalties against 18-year-old men who do not register could be challenged on the basis of sexual discrimination.
However, on 30 November her election was challenged on the basis of her dual citizenship.
This was challenged legally on the basis that no prior team relocations (in the modern era) left a city without a team.
When commencing litigation a court's jurisdiction may be challenged on the basis that it does not have jurisdiction.
The law was challenged on the basis that it violated the freedom of expression under section 2(b) of the Charter.
This power might be used to allow the defence to challenge the prosecution case on the basis that there is no case to answer.
It is common that this 'proposal' may challenge the clients understanding of the situation, on the basis of interim manager's expertise.
Positive action is being challenged on the basis of the same argument of discrimination, thus undermining any possibility of real change.
The laws have been challenged on the basis of violating fundamental rights.
The provision was challenged on the basis that it violated the Charter.