Americans react negatively to questions about "government spending," said Humphrey Taylor, chairman of Louis Harris & Associates, the polling company.
Now, as chairman of Quayle & Associates, a consulting firm, he racks up well over 100,000 miles a year in airplanes.
His father retired as the chairman of Stevens-Knox & Associates, a direct marketing business in New York.
He is the chairman and chief executive officer of Kirk & Associates, Inc., a business advisory and consulting firm located in Boston.
Her father is the chairman of Smith, Bucklin & Associates, consultants to trade associations, in Washington.
Her father is the chairman of Louis Harris & Associates, the polling and research firm in Manhattan.
His father is the chairman of Abacus & Associates, an asset management and venture capital firm in New York.
He was chairman of Houghton & Associates in St. Louis, a manufacturer's representative specializing in the labeling of oil products.
Her stepfather was the chairman of Dalsemer, Catzen & Associates, business consultants in Baltimore.
The bride's father is the chairman of Battalia & Associates, an executive-search concern in New York.