Its chairman, Abraham Goldstein, describes the organization as "a religious movement within Judaism."
The chairman of the Committee, Peter Dunne, described report as a 'middle road' through 'complex and contentious' material.
The web giant's chairman described the proposals as "draconian" earlier this week.
The distinguished chairman has described the areas of this inquiry in his usual clear and forthright manner.
His chairman, Charles Evans, describes him as an "intellectual provocateur."
The then chairman, Mahmood Hussain, described her conduct as "very questionable".
Perhaps most galling was what happened in Florida - the race that the Democratic national chairman jauntily described as the party's top priority.
A former chairman of the agency described its actions as unusually generous.
The commission's chairman, Graham Greene, has already described the proposal as 'a particularly disgraceful episode'.
Its foreign partners have taken what the chairman describes as 'symbolic' stakes in BCP.