The chairman, Sanford L. Michelman, has harshly criticized the producers of the Fox show for what he says has been slipshod adherence to regulations.
The chairman of the S.E.C. criticized an anti-takeover law pending before the Pennsylvania Legislature.
The chairman of the special Senate committee investigating corruption on Indian reservations criticized the Indian Health Service today as failing to cooperate fully with the inquiry.
The former chairman of the Supreme Soviet, Stanislau Shushkevich, criticized the early drafts due to the amount of power granted to the president.
The chairman of the Board of Examiners, Ethel Fitzgerald, criticized the report as inaccurate.
The chairman of the committee, Kenneth Fisher, criticized the move and the need for it.
The chairman of UAL criticized Japan, saying it did not permit free trade in air transportation.
Bid Assailed Warner's chairman, Steven Ross, criticized Paramount's $10.7 billion bid for Time.
The chairman of Louisiana's Republican Party, William Nungesser, criticizes David Duke's "opportunistic character."
The outgoing chairman of the Countryside Commission, Sir Derek Barber, criticized the tax changes as "stagnating the former active pools of private investment".