Metal-and-vinyl chairs lined the walls and marched in rows through the middle of the room.
A few unmatched chairs lined the bare white walls.
I felt sad again as I saw nine chairs lined up and ten little children placed in front of them.
High-backed chairs with arms lined the walls to the left and right of the table where the ministers were seated.
The man with the limp opened a door and entered a large anteroom, where chairs lined the walls.
Eight folding chairs lined single file await the "crowd," usually no more than four or five residents, who sit 20 feet away from the officials.
Overstuffed chairs lined the conference table in the center of the room.
Blue vinyl padded chairs lined the two walls of the carpeted room.
Ancient chairs that would have looked at home in the city dump lined the corridors.
Bookshelves, a desk, chairs, a bureau, and a bed lined the walls of the room.