Another time he saw a chain suspended from a ceiling and thought he was about to die.
There were oil lamps hanging on long chains suspended from the ceiling, and the lamplight set everything aflame.
Four white, fly-specked lamp globes dangled from the ends of long chains suspended from the high ceiling.
And his three-legged bicycle stand looks like a maypole, with chains and locks suspended like ribbons.
They were attached to heavy chains suspended from the ceiling.
A chatelaine is a decorative belt hook or clasp worn at the waist with a series of chains suspended from it.
Above the town, a gold painted star hangs on a 225m long chain suspended between two cliffs.
Their slippers were clear of the floor as they hung by their withered necks from chains suspended from the ceiling.
About thirty feet in, a white-painted chain, suspended between two poles, barred the way.
He tugged on a chain suspended from the ceiling, and an overhead light came on, casting pale yellow light down on us.