Out of some 30,000 American bookstores, chain outlets accounted for 13,500 last year, and their number is growing.
Must we trade it in for a shopping strip of chain retail outlets?
A number of retail and food chain outlets have replaced independent shops driven out by high rents and redevelopment.
Just as the chains snap together like Lego, each chain outlet is made up of hundreds of its own snappable parts.
Instead, he has taken his 150th anniversary edition to the large chain outlets.
In the last six months lone, he said, 358 music stores - chain outlets and independents - have shut down.
He wears his clothing for 2-3 days before discarding it, usually purchasing new clothing cheaply from chain outlets.
In recent years, a number of companies have opened chain retail outlets in shopping centres to provide a play experience that goes beyond selling toys.
At all chain outlets with in-store bakeries.
These dresses were available at major chain outlets, including Sears.