Arriving at the chain fence that surrounded the school, they all left their cars and gathered before the open gate.
The two eventually kiss while behind a chain fence, where on the other side there is a crowd of on-lookers.
The Co-op loomed gray white, bustling with lights and activity behind a chain fence on his right.
What lay hidden there behind the chain fence, the guards, the dogs and the prowling bush buggy?
It was a narrow gate in the chain fence.
The view of things looked lovely to him, even though he was peering from a gate outside the Coliseum through a chain fence.
Isiah Parker leaned against a chain fence across the street from the club's entranceway.
He hit the chain fence with his right front wheel and heard the sound of metal ripping.
It is inconspicuous, situated along the side of the road and surrounded by a small chain fence.
He followed as Ben-Judah turned and walked toward a low chain fence.