The chain features more upscale, hip fashions and housewares than the other discounters and does not carry the "hard" lines - appliances, furniture and auto services.
With rare exceptions, the chain does not feature designers in their own in-store boutiques, preferring to emphasize the Nordstrom name rather than that of its suppliers.
The chains also feature low teacher-student ratios, typically one teacher for every two or three students, affording children the individual attention they may not receive in public schools.
Among other things, the chain features larger-than-average rooms.
In 1988, the chain featured 100 stores, and Monus was described in the media as one of the nation's leading entrepreneurs.
The chain featured several signature items such as the Big Shef and Super Shef hamburgers.
The chain now has 14 screens and also features popular series of classics and films of intellectual appeal.
The end should be fitted with a tip guard, and the chain should feature a low-kickback design.
Several local chains also feature fish tacos.
The chain features Pepsi products and has a proprietary steak sauce recipe.