He had changed the chain armor for the closefitting garments that seemed to be the fashion of YuAtlanchi's men.
The shot cut part of the chain armor and dented the metal hull underneath.
The second shot was again a 32-pounder that caused further damage to the chain armor, and broke a link of the chain armor.
Both hits struck the chain armor at just above five feet over the waterline.
This was later changed to allow them to wear plate armor, as chain armor was deemed broken.
The blow came home true and strong, but whoever it was made that chain armor understood his art, for it withstood the steel.
As for Good and myself, the chain armor did not suit us nearly so well.
The stroke cut through Twala's shield and through the tough chain armor behind it, gashing him in the shoulder.
These are skills that do not have a value associated with them - you simply know them or not, such as the ability to wear chain armor.
Kote were made from cloth covered with iron plates of various size and shape, connected by chain armor (kusari).