SmartWood certifies its first US company, the first North America boreal forest, the first certification in Russia and the largest certified forest in Japan.
In a certified forest, cutting has been approved.
It provides evidence that certified material in a certified product originates from certified forests.
There are already 40 million acres of certified forest in 31 countries, and that area is doubling every year, but consumer demand for the products still exceeds the supply.
This can occur on both privately and publicly owned forests and allows the products manufactured from certified forests to be tracked through the value chain [9].
They must document the journey of the lumber from forest to retail shelves with a chain-of-custody paper trail to prove that the wood was harvested legally from a certified sustainable forest.
The forest management practices are guided by The Forest Stewardship Council's principles and criteria for certified forests.
The area of certified forests now totals 156,000 square miles, of which 33,000 are in North America.
KimWipes are composed of virgin wood pulp from certified forests, with little chemical additives.
It promotes sustainable forest management through forest certification and labeling of forest-based products that originate from certified forests.