The certificates issued by MHRA indicate whether the product or manufacturer to which the certificate applies has met statutory requirements.
The new certificates even indicated whether the bread was baked by a Jew.
This certificate indicates the student's level of performance in several subjects, with division I being the best performance and division IV being the worst.
An end-user certificate from an Armenian company indicates the chemicals will be used for mining minerals.
The certificate must indicate that the animal was examined and is free from disease, and confirm that rabies and other vaccines are current.
The certificate indicates that the facilities have met stringent standards and can provide quality mammography.
His previous certificate indicated a possible suicide.
If, for example, a home has two living spaces but its certificate indicates it is a single dwelling, the second apartment is illegal.
The certificate for Serial Number 052 indicates that it was manufactured on 3/8/95 and sold on 1/29/97.
A certificate seen on a Japanese website indicates a Serial Number of B031 and a manufacture date of 8/1/95.