Local people speak a certain variant of the Leonese language known as Patsuezo.
Sometimes it includes prawns and certain variants use coconut milk instead of water.
In certain orthographical variants of Bulgarian, it can be found at least up to the middle of 19th century.
An exception was made on certain 712 variants towards the end of production that came with a 2.7-litre air-cooled four-cylinder engine.
There is also evidence that certain variants of this gene provide protection for people living at high altitude.
After the third generation was released in 1982, certain variants of the second generation continued to be manufactured for several years.
It also promotes certain variants of the Reformatskii reaction.
They were in turn replaced from the late 18th century by puddling, with certain variants such as the Swedish Lancashire process.
These functors, and certain variants of theirs, are essential parts of sheaf theory.
Some contexts require the usage of certain variants, such as in textbook editing.