It has long been known that certain tumors have a predilection to metastasize to particular sites, he said.
Ongoing research seems to indicate that nisin may also have potential for slowing the growth of certain tumors.
In certain tumors, such as pancreatic cancer, symptoms often do not start until the disease has reached an advanced stage.
There is a propensity for certain tumors to seed in particular organs.
It is also being studied as an attenuator of metastasis in certain tumors.
This is based on a test with mice, which showed increased development of certain tumors.
Radiation therapy and chemotherapy may be used for certain tumors.
In some cases, certain benign (non-cancerous) tumors may progress and become cancer.
It is also used to treat certain tumors of the stomach and digestive system.
It does not involve surgery and may be used to treat certain tumors in patients who cannot have surgery.