Over it was a railroad map and a makeshift bulletin board, which seemed to give the time of certain trains.
For operational reasons, certain trains have priority in running.
The last trains in service were yellow, however it is possible that certain trains from 1908-1910 had circulated 65 years.
The operators usually can tell the control center when a certain train last passed the tower.
"I need to know about a certain train".
The Act of 1855 provided powers to carry passengers, and this was done - on certain trains - using a brake van with seats.
Why had death struck only when a certain train approached, always killing a person in the same car?
The station also acts as a terminus for certain trains.
But the cost of a monthly pass between those cities, which allows unlimited travel on certain trains, will increase almost 60 percent, to $1,008 from $633.
"That one number got people into a certain train of thought about the economy, which was kept moving by subsequent events."