Once a year, he added, "there's a certain sweetness in having a relaxed time."
It would have annoyed Todd if there hadn't also been a certain sweetness there.
Strings give the instrument a certain sweetness and balance.
Marigold felt a certain sweetness of victory because she had never told any one how frightened she was.
The decor, which has a certain sweetness to it, seems to have been culled from tag sales.
It had added a certain sweetness to the music.
"There is a certain sweetness to watching this," said the aide, who spoke on condition of anonymity.
It has a certain static sweetness to it and would make a good choice for the very young set.
Even after reaching a certain sweetness, grapes need "hang time," their moment in the sun.
Despite the bravado, Ari does have a certain sweetness and a what's-not-to-lo9ve kind of self-confidence.