There is evidence that certain dietary supplements and vitamins can help with certain types of pain.
And alcohol, caffeine, tobacco, drugs, processed or refined foods, and certain supplements are not allowed.
In addition to acetazolamide or as an alternative, certain dietary supplements are available that produce a similar alkalinization of the urine.
However, be cautious of over-ingesting certain supplements, such as vitamin A, arginine, or selenium, which can actually cause hair loss at very high doses.
The rho-zero cells do retain mitochondria and can grow in rich culture medium with certain supplements.
Preliminary research suggests that certain supplements, such as glucosamine, relieve symptoms related to osteoarthritis.
Also, the statement pointed out that certain legal supplements that were available over the counter at the time could possibly cause a positive test result.
The government covers only basic pension benefits, not certain supplements tacked on by employers.
But the cancer society's experts warn against consuming high levels of certain supplements that may do more harm than good.
Some scientists think certain supplements might help prevent cancer, but there isn't enough research yet to prove that.