These extinct groups can exceed the crinoids in both numbers and variety in certain strata.
Powder cocaine, due to its higher price, implies a certain social strata.
He wants to show us a certain strata of campus life at the present time".
Tax breaks for a certain stratum?
That afternoon the Princess rode to take The dip of certain strata to the North.
There is, however, a certain stratum in Nashville who wouldn't be caught dead at Tootsie's or the Broken Spoke.
In rural areas as well as among certain strata of town people the custom of celebrating name days lasted longer.
And while still scarce in certain strata, notably Wall Street-style partnerships, they have scaled a variety of heights.
Some of this evidence may be factual: the occurrence of certain fossils in certain strata, for example.
With the closure of industrial units, there are clear signs of major concern in certain strata of our societies.