He does have a natural English reserve, even a certain shyness, and he is always under control.
Jean looked up at him understandingly, and with a certain shyness in her eyes.
Lucifer seemed to exhibit a certain shyness with me.
I felt a certain shyness at referring to matters which were no concern of mine.
There's a certain shyness that he has that draws him away from attention.
But the fact that he must have discerned a certain shyness in her responses.
With a certain shyness, he reiterated in his mind the tape recording.
She had dark curly hair with no sign of grey, and a certain shyness that could make her manner seem brusque.
Benjie, not without a certain shyness, cleared his throat and began.
At first, she felt a certain shyness in his eyes, but that did not last long.