I was also aware of a certain predisposition in myself in favor of Jewish doctors.
Just about anyone who works with addicts or for that matter any other sort of behavior will till you there are certain natural predispositions but behavior is always trainable.
Recent research uncovered a possible link between certain predisposition to some kind of neophilia and increased levels of the enzyme monoamine oxidase A.
Treatments can be catered to the individual and the certain genetic predispositions they may have (such as personalized chemotherapy).
Your genes do not dictate the innermost essence of who you are-they only establish certain predispositions.
A certain predisposition for music, but perhaps more significantly a dearth of other job opportunities, might have led to the birth of this endeavour, locally described as Wandermusikantentum.
Heavy metal exposure, when combined with certain genetic predispositions, can place individuals at increased risk for developing autism.
There seem to be certain predispositions (things that make a person more likely to have OCD).
We all have certain predispositions, but in the end it's our ability to understand what's happening to us that allows our id to make decisions on a daily basis.
Very young children, for example, can be seriously harmed by this substance if a certain genetic predisposition is present.