I am the medical officer, in consideration of a certain monthly payment.
He admits certain payments on his claim, and asks judgment for the further sum of $80,000.
The players association treats certain payments, such as signing bonuses, differently from the way the committee does.
Right to redeem is the right to recover something by making certain payment.
Revenue excluding certain payments to partners was $1.18 billion, compared with $1.09 billion a year earlier, a 9 percent increase.
There was no question as to completing a certain amount of footage before we received certain payments.
They involve a promise to make certain payments for up to seven years, so only those with the best credit ratings can participate.
It is true that through her, we have lost a certain monetary payment, which we understand you had hoped to secure quickly.
Andersen, in turn, has pledged to make certain payments owed to its former partners.
President Roosevelt admitted certain payments had been made, but denied any "blackmail."