I read and reread certain paragraphs 5 or 6 times but they didn't make any sense to me whatsover.
Each person can claim that it was not them who demanded a certain paragraph but that they had to agree to the overall "compromise".
In the meantime, however, several fellow Members of other groups have informed me that they wished to be able to vote on certain paragraphs.
Examining the report, I should like to comment in particular on certain paragraphs, such as:
This is only because, according to some Members, certain paragraphs perhaps do not align with the European policy on reproductive health.
Nevertheless, I voted against the resolution because certain paragraphs were unacceptable, in particular, those regarding pensions.
It worries me to see certain paragraphs, often introduced through amendments.
Therefore, my group will be seeking separate votes on certain paragraphs, in particular within the Smet report.
Many published books use a device to separate certain paragraphs further when there is a change of scene or time.
And he frowned still more over a certain paragraph in a letter Rae had written.