In July, Mr. Nixon, by then the certain nominee, flew to New York and met with Mr. Rockefeller.
Gov. Michael S. Dukakis of Massachusetts, the certain Democratic Presidential nominee, has endorsed the Congressional bill.
In addition, the timing was right, because Mr. Bush had finally received the President's endorement and was the certain Presidential nominee of the party.
The question is whether Bill Clinton, the now almost certain Democratic nominee, can channel that discontent into a constructive and persuasive vision of change in this country.
Former Senator Slade Gorton is the almost certain Republican nominee.
Not only does he have more than enough money, about $50 million and counting, he has support in polls to make him look like the virtually certain nominee.
The proposed takeover of United Airlines is a certain nominee for Wall Street's worst deal of the year.
Why, then, is Mr. Dukakis, the certain Democratic Presidential nominee, opposed to the Midgetman missile?
The constitutional amendment to clarify the authority of the Senate to consider certain nominees to state and district offices and to provide for filling vacancies in those offices.
Through the D.N.C., Penn's work is available again to Gore as the party's certain nominee.