They're not yet reconciled to the fact that they will have to give up claims to certain land.
There is, for example, no suitability provision that would allow the Government to insulate certain lands from any mining at all.
The plants may be gathered legally from certain public and private lands, but only by state permit.
There are certain allocated land marked as Industrial area which proposed for all future growth.
He showed strong territorial instincts, treating certain public lands and wildlife as personal property.
They would have certain recognised lands, with judicial autonomy in minor internal disputes.
He was presented with the arms and certain land of Lord Audley.
The law in question must also be passed by the state assembly as well, except in the case of certain land law-related subjects.
Soil conservation efforts and keeping certain green land untouched to avoid negative impacts on wildlife.
It was land I had to reach, hard, firm, certain land.