Such doubts ought to be certain grounds for a veto.
What falls to be considered now is the effect of a specific statutory formula which allows challenge within the six week period on certain grounds.
Again, he stepped aside, moving his next query onto safer, more certain ground.
He preferred to enter into an investigation on more certain ground, but it couldn't be helped.
There's certain grounds in the country that are just special places to go and play football.
Here at least we are on certain ground; and the principals of the quarrel are known.
I was to remember it many times in later years, when, on even less certain ground, the trust between him and Bedwyr held true.
In the case of soft tissue, like the brain, we are on less certain ground.
Fully drained and exhausted, he sank to the ground, quite certain that nobody would be able to find him here in the wilderness.
Difference and distance remain, of course, but so, too, does a certain common ground.