The uniforms gave a certain gravitas even to the fat soldiers.
She seemed terribly young for that; even in an age of cosmetic surgery, a certain gravitas was expected of members of the Senate.
Kirk had not been surprised to find himself asked to make a toast--persons all over the galaxy attached a certain gravitas to the gold braid on Kirk's sleeve.
"They gave the idea a certain gravitas."
The enormity of the problem has been obscured by a primary system that endows even comic-book figures with a certain gravitas.
He'd only just hit his late twenties, but already there was about him a certain gravitas that made him seem older, wiser; more dangerous.
"O'Neill has that certain back-from-the-grave gravitas."
Even if Mr. Giuliani's successor is not fully up to speed on Jan. 1, the inaugural ceremony would at least invest him with a certain gravitas.
Despite his overall boyish mien, his salt-and-pepper goatee gave him a certain gravitas.
Koichi Nakano, a professor of politics at Sophia University, told Reuters: "Maybe Okada can add a certain gravitas to the cabinet.