The increased revenues would come both from improved enforcement efforts by the agencies and increases in certain fees.
EarthLink will also pay certain fees to the city for access to rights of way and city property.
It also negotiates with many doctors on certain fees.
Under what circumstances does the plan waive or reduce certain fees?
Each of these things have a "care penalty" in which there is a certain fee or tax payable in order to use them.
Fee Reductions Growth in assets has prompted at least a few fund companies to lower certain fees.
Fellow inmates are always willing to help out and provide information either for free, or for a certain fee.
However, he can't access any of this money without paying certain fees, bribes and fines to Nigerian authorities.
Some lenders may agree to waive certain fees to get or keep your business.
As the communications between the two parties continue, it will become necessary for certain fees and expenses to be paid, including government taxes, or death duties.