The average woman, as I have shown, must inevitably view her actual husband with a certain disdain; he is anything but her ideal.
Like many Manhattanites I have a certain, shall we say, disdain for the tourists.
As for the footballers' standing among fellow students, success has not eliminated widespread indifference to athletes in general, even a certain disdain.
Philip had cultivated a certain disdain for idealism.
Even at the governor's high school, students viewed their vaunted alumnus with a certain disdain.
He admits to sharing a certain European disdain toward both.
There is, however, a "new America," and it looks at Europe with a certain disdain because we believe that our main interests are elsewhere.
By and large, he was ignored ... with a certain disdain.
In the House, leadership familiarity has bred, if not contempt, at least a certain tedious disdain.
Tartikoff does admit to a certain disdain for news "purism."