Among the claimed benefits of foot massages are better blood circulation, cures to certain ailments and a balanced, detoxified body.
However, many therapies called unorthodox, like relaxation techniques and acupuncture, have been found to be effective in treating certain ailments.
The Navajo believe that certain ailments can be caused by violating taboos.
Tagg felt that certain ailments were bound to keep the horse from achieving his best at the track.
Some debates reflect the many ways to treat certain ailments successfully.
He's grouchy, and he doesn't smell very nice, but he knows which herbs to use to cure certain ailments.
Only angels, including Raphael, appear to know how to cure certain ailments (Tobit 3:17).
Some studies have found the practice to reduce stress and relieve certain ailments.
Acupoints are certain points on the body that, when pressed or punctured, have beneficial effects for certain ailments.
For the diagnosis of certain ailments, a rectal exam may be done.