The measure requires bankruptcy courts to recognize the validity of certain agreements used in the swap market.
Clearly there were certain agreements here with the Russians.
Intuitive knowledge is the perception of the certain agreement or disagreement of two ideas immediately compared together.
The positive aspects of such shifting is that there has been some restructuring of certain old agreements.
Steilman's mouth twisted and his eyes smoldered, but he sensed a certain agreement from the others.
"It is about the constant threat of violence when you step outside of certain unspoken agreements," he said.
Mr President, this clause was drafted ten years ago and applied in certain agreements.
One can only assume that there are certain agreements between the financial asset managers and the distributors of those assets.
I referred to the fact that certain agreements are obstacles, and this is what we are saying.
So far as I am aware this is not the case but it might indicate that ferry operators have made certain agreements.