At least one of four ancient ceremonial structures has now been destroyed, along with hundreds of domestic artefacts.
The authors call these places "ceremonial structures."
It is the central feature of a vast mortuary complex in an enormous courtyard surrounded by ceremonial structures and decoration.
Waldo Wedel has suggested they may be ceremonial structures, possibly associated with solstice observations.
It is one of the most important ceremonial structures in the Central Group.
The culture reaches its greatest splendor, trade relations with other populations increase and ceremonial structures are built.
Both preserved mounds were most likely ceremonial structures and they are oriented towards the Sun's movements.
Around 500-700 AD, residential, civic and ceremonial structures were built at the site.
Members uncovered a ceremonial structure that contained a cloverleaf pattern like a quatrefoil.
To the south of the Acropolis lies structure 7, another ceremonial structure.