Over 70 discarded Pukao have been found along the road and on raised ceremonial platforms.
Then, focusing his wrath, he floated his ceremonial platform over the gathered slave crews.
A small ceremonial platform had been erected for us at the bow of the flagship, lifting us above the crowd.
A bema is a ceremonial platform set up in an assembly.
Now scholars have established these were ceremonial platforms that were topped with temples.
Such celebrations call for special structures to be built, such as ceremonial platforms and rafts.
In front of the sanctum is a ceremonial platform with intricate wooden carvings and artwork.
For this reason, it is considered a momeztli type of altar, which are placed on ceremonial platforms.
Each territory had its own chief and its own major ceremonial platforms supporting statues.
Now they are known to be ceremonial platforms that were topped with temples.