X-rays were taken, tests were performed and the doctors concluded he had an inoperable cerebral tumor.
The couple soon began a relationship that lasted until Cruz's death in 2003 from a malignant cerebral tumor.
I have a patient, he informed her, 'who has recovered from a cerebral tumour which I removed some weeks ago.
He died early in January 1939 shortly after being diagnosed with a cerebral tumour.
I wrote half this novel in 1960, a year in which the medical authorities had condemned me to death with an inoperable cerebral tumour.
He was eighty-seven years old and had been frozen at the point of death from a cerebral tumor.
His description contained the first hint that this may be an inherited disease: the child's sister had died of a cerebral tumour.
She urged him towards the bed, saying softly: "It's just my guess, but do you suppose it could be a cerebral tumour?"
"He told me when he came to examine him early this morning that he had suspected a cerebral tumour, sir."
After a medical intervention to cure the cerebral tumor he had been suffering from for some years, Peral contracted meningitis.