Kellogg, the cereal manufacturer, announced on Monday that it would use the new tax break to bring back about $1 billion in foreign profits.
There are several private-label cereal manufacturers.
FOR a cold cereal manufacturer whose name is not Kellogg, the fight is uphill all the way.
The promotion was quite successful (increasing Chex Cereal sales by 248%) and this practice has since been duplicated several times by other cereal manufacturers.
In response, cereal manufacturers rushed out oat bran cereals and other products aimed at a health-conscious market.
(letter, Oct. 22): I can assure Daniel Farkas that there is no conspiracy among cereal manufacturers to keep prices high.
United States cereal manufacturers recently fought a war of promotions, with coupons and other offers cutting into cereal prices that some American consumers were criticizing as too high.
Assorted public officials who agree with shoppers' conclusions have called in recent years for investigations of the four largest cereal manufacturers: Kellogg, General Mills, Post and Quaker Oats.
Coote has also worked in promotions for Willow Valley, a cereal manufacturer, and Dairy Farmers.
Sponsored by cereal manufacturer Kellogg's, the syndicated show's first, and last, air dates are disputed but generally accepted as September 19, 1952 and April 28, 1958.