Consumer Reports recommended parents to choose cereal brands with better nutrition ratings for their children.
Like many popular cereal brands from the early 20th century, Wheaties has had its share of spin-off brands.
The remake, which is scheduled to begin running a week from today, adds Life to a list of cereal brands aiming pitches at grown-ups.
Among other issues, Kellogg fell 2 7/8, to 72, after it announced price cuts averaging 19 percent on 16 cereal brands.
In line with Nestlé's other cereal brands, they now contain reduced sugar and are made from whole grain.
It is the oldest cereal brand based on characters from a TV series or movie.
It is advertised for its healthier ingredients over other cereal brands, especially in the area of sports.
They are successors to recent campaigns that emphasized price and value in response to the competitive challenges posed by cheaper cereal brands.
The cereal brands of Nabisco were acquired in 1993.
Today, it's one of the nation's biggest cereal brands.