Perry's work refers to several ceramic traditions, including Greek pottery and folk art.
Much else, however, seems to be in a native ceramic tradition.
Pueblo people are particularly known for their ceramic traditions.
Their ceramic tradition is one of the first found north of the Andes.
It was established in 1954 to preserve and promote indigenous handcrafts of Jalisco, especially the state's ceramic tradition.
Blunk was the first American to apprentice into the line of descent of that country's great ceramic tradition.
The region's ceramic tradition began in the early colonial period, with native traditions superimposed by European ones.
During this time, the external influences had a stronger influence on the ceramic tradition rather than the local ceramic materials.
The institution's function is to promote the ceramic tradition in Mexico.
This special exhibition is based on the research achievements on the peninsula's long ceramic tradition which have undergone a remarkable development since the 1990s.