The century-old house, on West 119th Street, has been in her family since 1980.
Housed in a century-old former private house, the restaurant is slightly below street level, adding to its intimate feel.
According to his statement, the century-old house gets "too cold in the winter and too hot in the summer."
But she prefers this century-old house, and she would hate being stacked five hundred high.
When they moved there in November 1994, the couple almost tore the century-old house down.
They have also raised questions about improvements made to the mayor's century-old house by private contractors.
You might think that, living in a century-old Victorian house, I'd seen my share of roaring fires.
During the War in Croatia from 1991 to 1995, many century-old houses have been partly destroyed.
You might just decide that one of the affordable century-old houses would make a good home.
Rose Hill is a neighborhood characterized by large, century-old houses.