During its more than century-long history, Fiat has also manufactured railway engines and carriages, military vehicles, farm tractors, and aircraft.
Throughout the century-long history of the auto industry, selling cars - particularly used cars - has been a gritty business.
The area has a century-long history as a marketplace.
The century-long history of the birth-control movement and of the debate about abortion is a tale of many reversals.
Last Thursday major league baseball club owners unanimously approved interleague play for the first time in the game's century-long history.
Art historians say that the popularity of the self-portrait is unprecedented in the century-long history of the snapshot.
Over its more than century-long history, the music club has set itself the task of fostering wind-instrument music and promoting culture in the municipality.
During its almost century-long history, the church has moved closer to mainstream Mennonite groups.
She became the first woman in the newspaper's century-long history to hold that job.
Whether community colleges give opportunity or protect privilege, their century-long history has developed a distinctive aspect of higher education.