However the epistle quotes from eighth century writings and is not thought to be genuine.
In early 19th century writings on the Javanese gamelan, it seems to have been played like the gambang kayu; that is, as an elaborating instrument.
While their origins are unknown, "spaynels" are mentioned in 14th century writings.
For this reason, and because of a claimed precedence of 1 Clement, some scholars have associated these works with later 2nd century Christian writings.
According to the 19th century writings, it has been made since the Joseon Dynasty.
He was one of the most significant voices in late 20th century Irish writing and has been called "Munster's de facto poet laureate".
For example there is no mention in the 13th century writings of Albertus Magnus and Roger Bacon.
Leapor's poetry on domestic service is part of a wide range of eighteenth century writings concerned with this type of work.
By AD 384, a cruciform church was built over the site, and is mentioned in the 4th century writings of Saint Jerome.