At the beginning of the century women who were widowed or divorced went to live with their children or parents.
Later, around the start of the 18th century women started to wear the much simpler tail-cap with it.
The museum's notable collections include a costume collection dating from around 1800 to date, with the emphasis on 19th century women's wear.
The mother in the midsection has her hair uncovered, although 14th century married women usually had their hair covered.
Now she was beginning to understand why twenty-first century women kept men around.
Professor Shorter implicitly denies that the problem exists for twentieth century women.
They would expect the woman to marry because isn't that what every 18th century woman strives for?
They'll make sure you're so confused by the time you graduate you'll be remolded into their image of the twenty-first century woman or man.
And yet it became the philosophic base of the 19th century women's movement.
While during the 16th century many indigenous women either married Spaniards or cohabited with them, as time passed this kind of union declined.