In 1972, Nawa confirmed the historic status of the 12th century tradition, the togakure ryu.
This renewed the nineteenth century tradition of favouring selected producers in the interests of national strength and independence but with one important difference.
However, the main evidence for this theory is a 16th century tradition at Canterbury and the archaeological evidence of a change in burial patterns.
In northern Burma opium, bans have ended a century old tradition of growing poppy.
Many other miracles followed his death, which occurred 6 November 716 or 717 (we only know the year from fourteenth century tradition).
The most part of Montecastello's hills, from century traditions, are cultivated with care and passion with olive tree.
Much of it derives from the 16th century tradition of the Italian commedia dell'arte.
The current use of the term heterosexual has its roots in the broader 19th century tradition of personality taxonomy.
It was built as a memorial to the county's early settlers and was designed in the formal 17th century Dutch tradition.
A century old tradition of city dwellers coming to the Beach in the summer had begun.