Shipbuilding was a major 20th century industry until the shipyard closed in 1969 .
Meanwhile, with virtually all its 19th century industry cleared, Teesside apparently still needs to gobble up green fields.
These trips are the beginning of what could be a lucrative 21st century industry.
There is evidence in West Saugerties of what appears to be an early 20th century logging industry, and also some light quarrying.
Former 19th century industries include paper mills, flour mills and a carpet factory.
Scotland had a large 18th century industry producing soda ash from seaweed.
Much of the 19th century industry was based on glass manufacturing.
In 18th century industry was introduced, which included a distillery, an iron works, and a paper production plant.
It has a lot of historical charm, with a flavour of 19th century industry.
Late 19th century industries included farming, brick-making, soap-making, and quarrying.