In the 5th century BC their numbers amounted to about 43,000 people.
A group of private houses built around the 1st century BC which remained in use until the early 4th century.
In 4th century BC first outbreak of Celts is recorded.
Celtic migrations in the 4th century BC were also notable.
This development implies that Hattian remained alive until at least the end of the 14th century BC'.
Geto-Dacian vestiges of 5th century BC were also found here.
The literacy rate in the 3rd century BC has been estimated as around one percent to two percent.
Mycenean tombs from the 14th-12th century BC were found.
In the 5th century BC second wall was built in front of the former.
A form of oath sworn by all the citizens since the 3rd century BC has survived to the present day.