Tai chi, the centuries-old practice from China, is considered a martial art, but it includes aerobic activity, relaxation and meditation.
Its seven pieces are based in the centuries-old practice of Korean shamanic dance, which Ms. Kim began studying some 25 years ago.
The centuries-old practice was developed as a mechanism for families to attenuate their family name, estate and ancestry without an unwieldy reliance on blood lines.
The rules continue to ban the baymen's centuries-old practice of netting fish from the shore.
But centuries-old practices are difficult to change, and my protests were written off as those of an ignorant missionary, with no respect for traditional customs.
Niger banned the centuries-old practice of slavery in 2003.
"Hanami" is the centuries-old practice of picnicking under a blooming sakura or ume tree.
But due to lack of entrepreneurial skills in the village inhabitants and centuries-old horticultural practices, this potential isn't being tapped.
The three ears of wheat stand for the centuries-old practice of agriculture in the municipality.
Lelo had grown up in Germany, where dense planting of vineyards is a centuries-old practice.