In the 1993-94 fight over President Clinton's plan or various alternatives, the Finance Committee on which he served was a central battleground.
Analysts agree that the central battleground in the runoff is the country's second-largest state, Minas Gerais.
The energy expended by both sides showed that the dispute over the test results had become a central battleground of the case.
As recent events in France and Denmark suggest, Europe will be a central battleground in this fight.
Journalist Paul Foot described the dispute as "a central battleground between the classes and between the parties.
He was arrested on numerous occasions as the universities became the central battleground against the monarchy.
Papua New Guinea was one of the central battlegrounds.
But Oregon has long been the central battleground for environmental groups opposed to any logging anywhere on the 500,000 acres.
The high heel has been a central battleground of sexual politics ever since the emergence of the women's liberation movement of the 1970s.
Both campaigns see the airwaves as the central battleground for their clash of images and messages.